摩根大通获颁在华资产管理独资牌照 |
据路透社9月1日晚报道,中国金融监管机构已批准摩根大通公司(JPMorgan Chase & Co)在上海经营独资资产管理公司摩根资产管理(上海)有限公司。 |
2016-09-02 |
诺亚控股日前宣布,任命前首席财务官陶清为美国分部CEO,其首席财务官一职由诺亚香港总经理庄尚源接替,两项任命均自9月1日起生效。 |
2016-09-01 |
8月26日,美国上市金融集团E*TRADE Financial Corporation公布投资人调查报告,显示目前在美国,婴儿潮世代与千禧世代的世代之争已经延伸到了ETF投资领域。
更多信息>> |
Head of Business Development and Marketing, FOFs |
2016-08-28 |
A global fund of hedge funds now is looking for a Head of Asian Business Development and Marketing to join their HK team. (Ref No.: CO-2632)
Wholesale Distribution Director,Mutual Fund |
2016-08-28 |
Out client, an asset management firm now is seeking a senior level candidate to join their distribution team to help business expanding in the region including Mainland China. (Ref No.:CO-2631)
Senior Product Manager, Multi-Asset |
2016-08-22 |
A global asset management firm now is looking for a seasoned professional to join their team and contribute on multi-asset business development in Asia Pacific region. (Ref No.:CO-2630) |